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4 Reasons Why Print Advertising is Still Important for Your Marketing Amidst the Pandemic

by | Jun 26, 2023

In the fast-paced digital era, where online advertising has dominated the marketing landscape, it’s easy to ignore the enduring power of print advertising. However, contrary to popular belief, print advertising remains significant and relevant, even in the post-pandemic world.

Below are the solid reasons why print advertising is here to stay:

Print ads provide a tangible and memorable experience.

Print ads offer a tangible experience that internet ads cannot provide. According to a marketing study, 92% of people between 18 and 23 say reading and understanding print content is easier than digital content.

Also, print ads engage several senses, such as touch, sight, and smell, making it easier for potential customers to relate to your business on a more personal level. Whether it’s a well-designed brochure, an eye-catching poster, or an ad in a magazine, print materials leave a lasting effect on people. Using the power of print, you can create an experience that people will remember, which sets your brand apart.

Print ads have a particular segment of customers.

Even though digital advertising can reach many people, it still leaves out many potential customers. People who use digital ads are more likely to be tech-savvy, while those who see print ads are more likely to enjoy reading printed materials or do not have constant access to the internet. Adding print ads to your marketing strategy allows you to reach a part of the population you might have missed if you only used digital methods. Print and digital ads ensure that your brand reaches more people and makes the most of your marketing efforts.

With a well-researched distribution plan, you can put your ads in papers or magazines that match your target audience’s interests, ensuring your message gets to the right people. Moreover, people tend to spend more time with printed papers, which makes it more likely that your message will be seen and remembered.

Increased credibility and trust

According to a report[1], 56% of consumers trust print marketing more than other means of advertising. The same report cites that 82% of consumers say that they trust print ads more when deciding to purchase a product.

Due to scams and too much information, many people are now wary of online ads. In fact, people believe in print ads 34% more than in search ads. People perceive print advertisements as more tangible and real, adding to its credibility and trustworthiness.

Enhanced Brand Recognition and Recall

Print advertising is vital to building brand recognition and recall. This is due to the fact that people frequently have shorter attention spans when viewing online ads because the abundance of information available to them easily distracts them. On the other hand, people tend to retain more information from print media because they tend to pay more attention to it.

As a result, customers will remember your logo, tagline, and general company identity if they repeatedly see it in print materials. Putting your print ads in places where your target audience is likely to see them often can make it more likely that customers will remember your brand when making buying decisions. Print advertising is an excellent way to solidify your brand’s market position.

In conclusion, print advertising is still essential to a complete marketing plan, despite marketing strategies turning online after the pandemic. Keep in mind that while digital advertising has its benefits, a well-done print campaign can add to and boost your online efforts, giving you a well-rounded marketing plan that gets results. So don’t discount the power of print advertising. Instead, accept it and use it to your business’s advantage.

Contact Decadence Design for eye-catching advertising materials. Our team will work with you to create print advertising materials that deliver your message in an engaging manner to your audience. Talk to us today!

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