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Collateral Design

Collateral Design

Enhance your brand’s image with Decadence Design’s Collateral Design Services. Our team of experts crafts captivating marketing materials that leave a lasting impression.

Marketing collaterals, such as posters, flyers, and online banners, serve as potent communication tools to engage your customers and convey your brand’s messages. Whether in print or digital form, these collaterals create a lasting impact on customers, providing your brand with a competitive edge. Our specialists ensure that all your marketing materials are integrated to convey a unified brand message.

Collaterals, often referred to as printed materials, are vital for advertising and informing potential customers about your company. Effective marketing materials combine aesthetic appeal and practical content to maximize their impact on customers.

Every collateral piece created by the Decadence Design Team adheres to fundamental marketing principles.

What’s Included:

  • Flyer (A5, 1-sided, Free copywriting)
  • Social Media Post (4 post designs, free copywriting)
  • Poster (A4, 1-sided, Free copywriting)
  • Google ads banner (3 sizes for various Google ad formats)
  • EDM (A5, Free copywriting, HTML format for Outlook sending)
  • Free copywriting with up to 3 changes per collateral.


What's Included?
  • Flyer (A5, 1-sided, Free copywriting
  • Social Media Post (4 posts designs, free copywriting)
  • Poster (A4, 1-sided, Free copywriting)
  • Google ads banner (3 sizes for the various Google ad sizes.
  • EDM (A5, Free copywriting, HTML format for Outlook sending)
  • Free copywriting. Free up to 3 changes per collateral