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ATTC Takes Flight with New Website Design; Allied Kinsmen Gets a Website as Clean as Their Services

by | Oct 31, 2020

Two of our clients needed a website re-design, as soon as possible. More than ever, consumers are searching for information online, browsing hundreds of websites a week, and having a slew of options available to them – all with the click of the mouse, or the touch of a finger.

Brands need to stay current with their websites as they are one of the first touch points for their target audience, and are easily accessible to everyone. You just need the internet.

Air Transport Training College (ATTC) is an education institution specialising in aviation training and aerospace courses that has been around for the past 21 years. They aim to be the leading aviation training provider in the region. With a recent acquisition, they have rebranded with a revamped curriculum and new programmes. Besides the brand refresh, the information provided on the website were too cluttered and difficult to navigate. ATTC offers a slew of courses and programmes which the existing website did not display the most updated ones. ATTC’s students consists of diploma students, graduates, mid-career switchers looking for re-skilling opportunities and industry professionals seeking certification. It was imperative that each student could get the information suitable for them. The copy across various pages was convoluted and users found it difficult to find the information they were looking for.

We gave them a more visually appealing and cleaner homepage with a cleaner navigation tab.

To best display the list of courses for potential students to get a clear view of the courses available, we showcased courses in a table form which could be easily manipulated according to duration, date, mode and module.

Each drop down page was also updated with the latest information and displayed with a cleaner and sleeker look fitting for a professional education institution.

Take flight at www.attc.edu.sg

Allied Kinsmen was founded in 2017 with a vision to make a difference to customers in the environmental service sector. It is a NEA approved cleaning and maintenance company, operating in Singapore. The management of Allied Kinsmen has more than a combined experience of over 15 years.

They pride themselves on offering a committed professional service at an affordable price. The team of skilled and trained employees ensure that the cleaning needs of their customers are taken care in a detailed and professional manner to attain a consistent level of quality in their services.

Despite being established in the market, they did not have a website to showcase their services. It was especially urgent because maintenance and cleaning services are highly sought after during Circuit Breaker and Phase 2. We had to quickly get them onboard.

We used their corporate colours of blue and white which gave off a professional and trustworthy feel.

Their list of services are displayed in pictorial form for more visual appeal and to inform the user at once what services they can get from Allied Kinsmen.

As certifications are crucial to give credibility to companies in such industries, we create a subpage displaying all their certifications. Individual certs can be clicked on for an enlarged view, for the convenience of the user.

Check out Allied Kinsmen at www.alliedkinsmen.com.sg.


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