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Design Makes Lives Easier

by | May 27, 2019

We are in the business of creating – creating products, creating solutions and creating a message. And the end goal is simply to make lives easier. These are all done through design. 

From Product Design…

Our favourite is the Macbook. We’re 25% more productive because of its design:

  • Regular software updates that make them more capable
  • Apple designs its own hardware and software, optimising an operating system and suite of apps that are tailor-made for the Mac
  • Sleek, both in aesthetics and functionality
  • Durable

Safe to say that Apple has owned the business of branding and we seem to be buying into it because of how their products impact our lives – we can’t seem to live without them!

To Digital Marketing…

Graphic design is one of the key aspects of digital marketing. The delivery of visuals and valuable content is intrinsic to digital marketing – think social media, email marketing, website design, branding etc

Communicate better through visuals and use them to spread your brand message. Good design evokes a positive emotional reaction and motivates the audience to take an action – whether to like, follow, subscribe or engage.

An effective and consistent branding design across all digital marketing platforms would ensure top-of-mind recall awareness your brand and an overall positive experience that would keep them coming back for more! Now you know that design has a direct impact on your marketing ROI!

To Interactive Design…

Engagement metrics is latest buzzword in the marketing world and for good reason: you can find out the effectiveness of your content and skew your marketing campaign to optimise user engagement.

Since technology is ever-changing and so are our audience’s tastes and preferences, designs have to constantly meet user expectations to enhance their lives. Instead of static images for social media, design GIFs or videos to capture the audience’s attention and engage them to take part in giveaways and games. Infographics are another way of presenting content that will see engagement rates soar, as compared to purely words that no longer work well on social mediums.





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