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Mistakes to Avoid on Your Website

by | Apr 26, 2023

Mistakes to avoid on your website

Your website is the public face of your company on the internet. First impressions, thus, are important. Good design and organisation of your website are paramount in giving the best first impression to potential customers. It encourages users to explore more of your content. When evaluating your website, ask this question: Are there parts of the website that would put off potential customer?

Cluttered Appearance
Well-produced content will not be viewed if it’s not easy to read or understand. Organise your content so that your audience can easily digest what you are offering with key points and good organization on your website.

Some ideas you can use to do so include using relevant pictures, graphics, and visuals to break up large sections of text, using white space to draw attention to your text and pictures as a contrast, graphs and charts to showcase data, and simple, clean design to show a simple call to action.

Irrelevant Images
Simplicity is key. Using images for your website in a thoughtful manner is a skill that is underrated, and it becomes important to use good, inclusive images that fit your branding consistently.

One way to do so would be to use original images as much as possible, and size your images correctly to optimise viewership on different devices and screen types. You can also choose images that fit your branding, with specific colours, fonts and design.

Long, Unwieldy Paragraphs
People get distracted easily. They will switch off when they read something that is long, unclear and boring. Some tips include keeping your paragraphs short, clean, and easy to read; using section headings to highlight key points; including questions and prompts when sharing content; and at the end, use a call to action so that your readers would know what to do!

Using Only Text
No one wants to read large blocks of text. Use a mixture of media so that your audience has more options for engagement! Mixed media can include: interactive elements, infographics, photo galleries, GIFs, and videos!

Decadence Design is a company that champions these aspects to bring your story forward! We are the design arm of the ENCE team that distills relevant information from the background of each brand to create a complete brand ideology that tells a compelling story, including websites! To find out more, go to decadencedesign.com and reach us out via our Contact Us form, and our friendly team will reach out to see just how we can collaborate and create magic together!

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