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November Is The Month For Thanks-giving…

by | Nov 29, 2018

Here are 7 Reasons Why We Are Grateful To Be In The Design Industry In Singapore 

In 2015, Singapore was designated UNESCO Creative City of Design. Fast forward three years later, the creative industry is still growing and creativity remains a strategic factor for development. There is a visible collective effort to drive more public resources towards the design sector over the past few years.

Design encompasses anything from graphic design, interior design, product design, fashion, etc. Despite the multi-faceted industry, a single thread runs through all the different forms of design – all design is art with a purpose. This is what makes our work meaningful and relevant.

Especially for the Creative industry, it hinges on the talents of the people and counts on constant innovation, ideation and breaking of boundaries in order to come up with new designs to cater to the changing needs of their audience. It is a demanding role, but as with all creative endeavours, the fruit of the labour is sweet and nourishing.

Thankfully for us, we love being in the design industry in Singapore and here are 7 reasons why we do:

  1. Creativity is a valued skill
  • Problem solving, coming up with ideas out of thin air, and designing for anything from medical healthcare to F&B and retail make us work hard for our designs – every single day


  1. Being surrounded by inspiring visuals
  • Trawling the web for inspiration, cool ideas and amazing graphics is just part of the job
  • Singapore is also home to awe-inspiring architecture, galleries and products that we can leverage on for innovative ideas


  1. Buildings brands for all kinds of clients
  • All businesses benefit from good design and that is why we get to work with a wide range of clients, broadening our skill set


  1. Helping clients visualise their ideas and reach their target audience
  • Designs could be seen by anyone across the globe and impact many – from users to businesses


  1. Technology is abundant and cutting-edge
  • Singapore is always at the forefront of technological developments and pursuits
  • Makes resources easily accessible and improves the quality of our designs


  1. Understanding our target audience
  • Importance and reach of visual communication as a powerful tool
  • Control of the user’s experience through the visual stories we tell


  1. Working with an efficient team
  • Design is not just visual elements but include copywriting, coding, programming, marketing, advertising etc.
  • We are able to build many long-term business relationships in Singapore, and over the world


If you have a design need, contact the Decadence Design team at prominence@decadencedesign.com to see how we can work with you to help achieve your marketing objectives through design!  Check out our past work on our blog to gain some inspirations for your own brand too!


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