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Biovectrol is a socially responsible company tasked with the application of biotechnology to develop environmentally-friendly crop protection and pest control products. Their flagship product is a toxin-free insecticide and pesticide that is used in turf clubs to protect million-dollar racehorses.

The Challenge

The client had a website that was developed 10 years ago with some e-commerce functionality, but the links were old and had not been updated, and many were not working. The client needed an updated website to sync their website sales with their current operations.

Our Solution

Decadence Design solved the issues with old logins through tenacious effort and then revamped the website completely, by giving the client fresh content and visuals to promote their Bio-X insecticides, sanitisers, and disinfectants.

The Result

An attractive, modern e-commerce website for actual sales and marketing; one that presents the brand the way it should be perceived.

#B2Cbranding #consumerproducts #e-commercewebsite
#website #packaging #flyer #eventbranding