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The word Chingay is equivalent to the Mandarin word 妆艺 (zhuangyi) which means the art of costume and masquerade in the Hokkien dialect. The Chingay Parade started in 1973 as a street parade to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Since then, it has evolved into an annual iconic event that showcases Singapore’s rich and unique multi-ethnic and cosmopolitan cultures. Chingay is one of Asia’s largest street performance and float parades.

The Challenge

Diverse content from on-ground sources across more than a hundred street parade performers and groups needed to be consolidated and presented as one brand under the Chingay denomination. The parade also used social media as a means to communicate with their various stakeholders, from volunteers, to performers, to audience and organisers. We needed content to be designed and presented in a format that would contribute to the brand and not alienate any stakeholder in the process.

Our Solution

Decadence Design created a set of social post templates that could be easily used for the different categories and messages for the different audience groups that perused the Chingay social media page for updates. We also created gif animated contests to keep the page engaging.

The Result

Each contest generated more than 2,000 organic entries (10% engagement from their 20,000 fan base), and announcement messages were well received and communicated with the different groups.

#gif #onlinecontest #socialmediacontest
#socialmedia #animation