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Spotlight on Millenials: Three Design Aspects that Millenials love

by | Apr 11, 2018

Designing for millennials requires a sound understanding of the key values and preferences that are uniquely associated with this generation. For millennials, it’s vital that your brand has differentiating qualities and is tailored to their own tastes and liking. Be it website, corporate branding or marketing collateral design, your choice of the design concept cannot be generic if your target audience is analytical and design-conscious millennials. In any case, do keep the following three design aspects in mind.

Keep It Visual

Millennials have creative and visual minds. If you stuff too much text into the design, it’s not going to come off well. Clear visuals, minimalist approach, and a frugal use of text, all combined, generate an ideal scenario to keep the millennial users occupied. Prior to making your brand’s story public, it’s important that you invest some time and efforts into your brand’s logo, your website and any assets that represent your business online. To keep the visual aspects of the design stand out, make good use of minimalism, choose vibrant colours, choose unique typography and maintain it across the board. Consistency in design is crucial from a branding standpoint.


Cater To Instant Gratification

When it comes to seeking information, making purchase decisions, or fulfilling a need, millennials often desire speed, ease and efficiency. In fact, in every walk of life, they have a natural tendency to obtain instant gratification with great convenience. Be it ordering food, receiving messages, or making decisions. Research on this consumer type shows that if you don’t answer their needs within minutes of asking, more than half of them will walk away from the purchases. So, be direct and make your USPs clear and easy to understand to ensure that your millennial consumers don’t walk away feeling unserved or unsure.  


Tell A Story

People like and remember stories. For millennials who experience a great number of stories on social media on an almost daily basis, this is especially true. Studies have shown that good brand stories provide a context for people to not just remember the brand, but also its USPs, style, font and even the colour scheme. Visual content, when gauged from an engagement and conversion perspective, is not just appealing, it’s highly effective as well. However, be genuine with your success stories and create great visuals that focus on the “why” aspects of your brand, and not just on “what you’re selling” aspects. Make a good use of photographs, videos, infographics, and rich media content as they are user-friendly and easily digestible.

If you need help with developing or enhancing your corporate branding and design, contact Decadence Design in Singapore. We specialise in UX/UI design, graphic design and corporate branding for businesses in a wide range of industries.

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