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Fernloft was a leading hostel-chain in Southeast Asia, with multiple locations in Singapore and Malaysia. The founder’s vision of a World Without Strangers and penchant for memorable Bali was embodied in the casual, rustic, resort style décor throughout all the hostels.

The Challenge

A synchronised design across all outlets, As each hostel was set up and developed at different times, and there was no brand guide to follow per se, the hostel’s branding had been a mishmash of fern-like logos and designs.

Our Solution

With the idea that Fernloft could be the “Holiday Inn” of hostels and provide consistent, friendly, value-for-money service and accommodation for its independent travellers, we kept the logo simple and international.

We then sat down with the owners to come to a decision about the colours and taglines to be used, as well as the overall branding idea that should be rolled out across all outlets and future ones.

The Result

The client managed to sell off ther Fernloft brand for close to a million after the rebranding exercise, proviing that branding DOES matter.

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