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The Museum of Forgotten Technologies (MOFT) is an innovative mobile museum that promises to deliver a fun and interactive experience for children and visitors alike.

The Challenge

As a new concept done in collaboration with the artist who would paint the 3D canvases, The MOFT needed a distinctive and forward-thinking band identity that would reach out to their target audience: educators.

Our Solution

Content crafted was full of details and specifications, for the benefit of educators for them to incorporate it into their syllabus and activate the MOFT in their school compound for their students. The Decadence Design team designed the logo, crafted the content and put it all together for a synchronous and memorable brand.

The Result

A full and complete branding package that is old school yet new, to recapture the essence of “forgotten” technologies.

#B2Cbranding # website #education #museumwebsite
#logo #corporateidentity #powerpoint #website #eventbranding